Protect Yourself and your Loved One's with a Domestic Violence Lawyer Orange County

In California, if the police receive a complaint or are led to believe that domestic violence has occurred, they can take the accused into custody. If you've been charged with a domestic violence charge, you must understand your rights and the consequences that entail. As such, you should immediately get in touch with a domestic violence lawyer Orange County. Jos Family Law has handled hundreds of domestic violence cases in Orange County.


Domestic violence laws have undergone several changes in recent years. If you're engulfed in a domestic violence case, you must protect your rights. Mostly, the police lack the resources to investigate a claim at the time of the incident. They take the accused into custody and then investigate, but some cases lack a question of fact.


This is where our attorneys step in. We'll ensure that the whole process takes place by the law.


What Constitutes Domestic Violence?

The accused under domestic violence may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. It's also normal that the victim of the supposed violence obtains a protective or restraining order from the court. If found guilty, you may face a civil lawsuit where damages will be recovered by the victim.


The following acts are inclusive, but not exhaustive, of domestic violence:


· Assault

· Battery

· Sexual abuse

· Stalking

· Threatening

· Withholding finances

· Limiting access to children


To know about your rights and options during a domestic violence case, get in touch with the law office of Jos Family Law. You can reach us by calling (714) 733-7066 or sending an email to to get in touch with our attorneys over a free consultation.


Company Name:- JOS Family Law

Address:- 1918 W Chapman Ave Suite 200, Orange, CA 92868

Phone:- (714) 733-7066

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