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  • Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost in Gurgaon
    Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck Surgery in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics procedure aims to improve loose tummy appearance after significant weight loss or pregnancy. The surgery improves the shape of the abdomen area after massive weight loss. In this surgery, the abdominal muscles of the abdomen are tightened and correct the appearance of the flabby abdomen area. The surgery removes excess fat with...
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  • Tummy Tuck Surgery in Gurgaon
    Some excess fat and skin in the abdominal area may be resistant to dietary changes and exercise. Abdominoplasty is performed in such cases to remove this fat for a slimmer and fitter look. Dr Priya Bansal performs abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery in Gurgaon. She uses PURE techniques for minimally invasive and painless procedures. Source:
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