If your child is reading hard, getting closer to the TV, or complaining about headaches, your son or daughter may have vision problems.

Your first step should be to schedule an eye exam for your child to find out the cause of the vision problem and how best to treat it. Look for kids eyeglasses near me.

But is there anything you can do to improve your child's eyesight or make it clear from toddler to college?

Ways to improve children's eyesight.
1. Avoid eye injuries.
Eye injuries are common in children, but you can prevent many eye injuries.

Don't let your child play with dangerous toys. Lock the cabinet to prevent the kid from getting detergent or insecticide into his eyes or mouth.

If your child participates in contact sports such as basketball, football, and rugby, wearing protective glasses is as important as wearing a team uniform. If your child joins a swimming team or a hockey team, goggles and masks can protect their eyes.

When your child is playing in the sun, make sure your child wears sunglasses. Harmful ultraviolet rays (UV) in sunlight have a cumulative effect, so exposure to too much sun in childhood may lead to cataracts and macular degeneration later in life.

2. Reduce eye infection.
Even the smallest irritation in the eye can affect eyesight. Teach children not to touch their eyes so as not to spread germs from fingers to eyes.

When your child is mowing the lawn, advise him or her to wear sunglasses or goggles to prevent grass and dust from getting into their eyes.

If your child wears contact lenses, remind your son or daughter to clean or replace contact lenses only as instructed and use the appropriate contact lens cleaning solution. Proper lens care greatly reduces the risk of eye infection.

3. Healthy diet and exercise.
Some foods can improve a child's eye health. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish rich in vitamins A, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. In addition to maintaining healthy eating habits, your child should exercise regularly. Exercise can maintain the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, so it is a key factor in eye health. It is particularly important to encourage children to go outside for a breath of fresh air. Researchers have found that about two hours of sun exposure a day can help reduce the development of myopia in children.

4. Play some games
Your child's eyesight can benefit from all sorts of activities, including hand-and-eye coordination games as an infant and putting a puzzle together with you in your later years.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends the following vision-improving activities for different age groups:

0-5 months: peekaboo and patty-cake

6-8 months: reading to your child and playing hide-and-seek with toys 

9-12 months: reading to your child and rolling a ball back and forth

1 year: throwing a ball to your child and reading to him or her 

2 years old: reading to your child, catching and other outdoor play

3-6 years: climbing, running, and using playground equipment

7 years and older: cycling and other active sports

5. Limit screen time.
Playing video games, watching YouTube videos, and constantly texting friends can all lead to digital eye fatigue. Digital eye fatigue can lead to headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and other discomfort. To reduce digital eye fatigue, limit the time children spend on computers, tablets, and other digital devices. Computer glasses are another option to help children improve their visual comfort when looking at the screen. These glasses usually include lenses that make it easier to focus on the screen and filter some of the blue light emitted by digital devices.