When it comes to a backpacking trip or a hunt, there is one thing that is essential--your Reusable Game Bags. These are the bags that will carry your hard earned kill into camp and into your freezer, where it can be properly cooled and kept free from debris, flies, dirt and other contaminants. While there are many options on the market, VIAM Outdoors offers some of the best reusable, lightweight game bags available. These bags are made in the United States, carefully designed with backcountry hunters in mind.

The VIAM Outdoors Lite Game Bag is a lightweight, reusable bag that can hold up to 40lbs of meat. It has several useful features including a reversible design, a cinch strap that allows you to easily close the bag, and a bright orange trim to help identify your kill in the field. It also has a large zippered pocket on the back of the bag that can be used to store extra gear and supplies.

These lightweight game bags are great for a wide variety of purposes. They can be used to carry small game like rabbits, squirrels and coons, as well as larger game like mule deer. The insulated bag is very durable and will protect your meat from the elements. This game bag is easy to clean, and the welded seams prevent leakage. The bag is water-resistant, and it can be stored in your pack for a long time without worrying about any leaks.

There are several different types of game bags on the market, but they all have similar features. The most important feature of any game bag is that it is not too porous, as this will allow flies to land on the meat and ruin it. This is why a lot of people choose to use Alaska game bags, as they are extremely lightweight and not too porous.

The Argali Ultralight Pro game bags are another popular option for a backpacking hunter. These bags are a great choice for an elk hunt, and they can fit an entire boned out bull elk. They are extremely lightweight, and a full set of 5 game bags and stuff sack weighs less than a pound!

The Argali game bags are also extremely versatile and can be used for a wide variety of hunting adventures. They are also a good choice for a bear hunt as they can fit a large amount of meat. These bags are a little bit smaller than the other bags on this list, but they will still work very well for a bear hunt. They are very lightweight, and they come with a stuff sack and a pair of latex gloves. They are also a great choice for moose and caribou hunting. These bags are a bit more expensive than the other options on this list, but they are worth the investment for backcountry hunters.