By just closely looking at the facial features one can recognize the gender of another person. Among such facial features is the chin shape. In people assigned male at birth, the chin is angular, wider, and more projected outwards than the people assigned female at birth. Females typically have a rounded, smoother, and softer chin appearance.

For those who have taken up a surgical plan of facial feminization for gender affirmation, to align their face appearance with their gender, and transgenders seeking a more feminine face, feminization mentoplasty/genioplasty or Chin Reduction in India is recommended by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Parag Telang.

What is feminization mentoplasty/genioplasty?

Feminization mentoplasty or genioplasty is a medical term referring to the chin reduction or recontouring done in facial feminization. It is the surgery aiming to reduce the large and prominent chins shape and make the chins in smaller proportions as of a typical female. This surgery is undertaken either alone or as part of the facial feminization surgical process. The goal of the surgery is to provide a more feminine aesthetic face and natural balance.

What is the procedure of chin reduction or recontouring in feminization?

A chin reduction or recontouring surgery is an ambulatory care, a single sitting procedure that lasts for about an hour. It can be performed under both local anaesthesia and deep sedation, depending on the complexity of the case.

The surgery commences with a thorough cleaning of the chin and numbing it. The surgeon makes an intraoral incision without leaving external skin scars. Through the incision, the surgeon manages to shave and refine the chin. In certain cases, the surgeon may even retract or advance the patient's chin or get rid of any existing asymmetries to provide an overall aesthetically appealing appearance. Lastly, the incision is closed with an absorbable suture.

Nowadays, surgeons use ultrasound technology to perform more precise bone shaving of the chin without harming any other softer structures like nerves or the skin. Such a surgery is more predictable, safer, and has low surgical complications risks.  

So, have you made up your mind about feminization mentoplasty/genioplasty? Reach out to Dr. Parag Telang at Designer Bodyz, the best destination for facial feminization surgery in India. Here you can undergo affordable, advanced chin or any other facial feminization surgery by top-rated plastic/cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Parag Telang. Schedule your consultation today to learn about your candidature