Every one these ores require considerable skill point investment to reprocessing and there is not much value to be gained by EVE Echoes ISK reprocessing them in present prices. Kernite shouldn't be reprocessed right now as you will lose value by doing so even with maxed ability points in specialist reprocessing as 87 percent reprocessing efficiency isn't accessible in-game.

You will find in the base of the screen that each one the industrial mining ships have gone down in price. This is largely due to minerals falling in price and becoming more affordable to make over the last week in addition to more individuals skilling into expert industrial production to reduce materials required to create them. The retriever has fallen 23 million ISK in cost and the partnership III has fallen 1.5 million, which is great news for anybody mining at null or low sec, as it's cheaper to replace your boat if you get ganked.

Low sec ores have fallen in cost but not quite as much as the large sec ores. This is a result of the overwhelming number of EVE Mobile ISK Cheap retrievers afk mining in large sec. Unless your using a retriever now is your opportunity to move your mining operations out into non or null sec, as the added risk is well worth the benefits today that each one the very low sec ores have plummeted in price.