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  • It hasn't dropped
    This loss in value for mexallon continues to be what has affected ore costs the most as you will see later on in this movie. This price fall is chiefly credited to how much mexallon is offered in the high sec ores with retrievers mining out whole asteroid belts and clusters in mass. The supply has out weighed the demand from the past week, inducing mexallon to EVE Echoes ISK become the same...
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  • why don't you?
    Every one these ores require considerable skill point investment to reprocessing and there is not much value to be gained by EVE Echoes ISK reprocessing them in present prices. Kernite shouldn't be reprocessed right now as you will lose value by doing so even with maxed ability points in specialist reprocessing as 87 percent reprocessing efficiency isn't accessible in-game. You will find in the...
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  • You have a point
      Even with gate campers this sport is really tame to EVE Echoes ISK say mobile games such as Star Trek Starfleet Command where your base could be totally raided by pirates when you're offline. The concept that mobile games need to be safe should check out a number of the cell space games. I still am playing Second Galaxy for example and I've lost ships at high sec space while doing...
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