Romanesque architecture is an architectural style that was prevalent in the western part of Europe between the middle-11th and the beginning of Gothic architecture. A fusion of early Roman, German, and Eastern Roman, it was also an outcome of the rise of asceticism in the beginning of the 10th century. The Romanesque period architecture was distinguished by the use of heavy, flat roofs on buildings.

Romanesque architecture has its origins in Italy. While most structures are made with arches, there are also roofs with pointed arches and tiling. Most of the structures have vaulted ceilings with ornamental carvings. Romanesque buildings are famous for their heavy ornamentation (such as cornices) however there are many examples of practical, simple structures. Romanesque architecture has a variety of themes. This includes temples, villas palaces, schools, and palaces, as well as towers and fortresses.

In addition to Romanesque architecture, other architectural styles are Gothic which is heavily influenced by Greek architecture; German, which borrowed the Roman models for its own buildings; and Norman that combines elements from three styles. In many cities of Europe, both Gothic and Norman have been wiped out, while in some, new styles of Romanesque architecture have taken their place. Gothic was once the most popular style in cities of large size but is now a marginal design.

Gothic architecture is distinguished by its thin, tall, stone walls and many smaller windows. Gothic buildings can be found everywhere, even on farms. However, there are more rural Romanesque sculptures. Gothic architecture makes use of natural materials like stone, wood, metal and marble the most often.

One of the most distinctive characteristics of Romanesque architecture is the use of arches. They were originally designed to support columns and aid in the decoration of walls. As the style evolved the use of arches became more important to support staircases and provide visual interest to buildings. It is not known if Romans were influenced by designs from other civilisations like Egypt or the Parthians. Some experts believe that the Segovia columns of ancient Rome influenced the Romanesque arches.

The Romanesque period was the time of the blossoming of one of the most significant artistic movements of the past called tutelage. Scutelage was named after the city of Verona where it was developed it was home to a variety of structures, including guardhouses barns, churches, and granaries. The construction of these buildings included arches, which were built together with doorways and windows. Scutels were used to provide shelter and decorate the buildings, hence the word "scutelage".

Romanesque architecture's most notable feature is the use of arches. According to research, nearly a third of modern-day roofs are made of arches. Romanesque arches are extremely stylish and come in a variety of shapes, including squares rectangles, circles, circles, squares, and more recently squares. บริษัท สถาปนิก They can be made from wood or stone. The squared or rounded arch is the most commonly used type of Romanesque architecture, but artisans have also been known to create arches using other materials.

Today, Romanesque architecture continues to be extensively utilized in the fields of construction, housing and town planning as well as landscape design, architecture, interior design, furniture engineering, and decorative arts. Romanesque architecture has had a significant influence on the architecture in Europe and the United States over the past two centuries. This style has not had much influence on India's buildings or other aspects of the public life. These palaces, huts, temples, and other structures were not inspired by Romanesque architecture. The Indian Romanesque tradition of Indian Romanesque has been reduced to the margins. Many of its intricate details, artistic flourishes, and artistic flourishes have disappeared in time.