Bless Unleashed: How to use Soul Crystals


In Bless Unleashed, Soul Crystals are very rare items that players can only obtain by defeating rare bosses. However, many Bless Unleashed Star Seeds players do not know how to use them in the game. In fact, players can use the hard-won Crystals in a variety of ways. If players are interested, you can continue to read the following to learn more.

Bless Unleashed will reward players with Soul Crystals for defeating unique bosses. Players can only challenge these field bosses with other players, and there is only one unique boss in each region. However, Adventure Dungeon has three unique bosses to challenge. No matter which method the player chooses, the HP of the boss will increase according to the number of people in the player's team, so keep this in mind.

Soul Crystals has only one purpose, and that is to Buy Bless Unleashed Star Seeds exchange with monster hunter NPCs in various towns. He provides several special products for Soul Crystals, but players should be careful about what players get. The Monster Hunter NPC provides players with Soul Crystals’ boss boxes or skin options. Players are best not to buy a box. If you do, you must make sure that it is one of the higher-level boxes.

The box he sells is the same as the box obtained by defeating the boss of the same name. For example, the bone dragon box is also obtained by the player after defeating the bone dragon. The difference is that players can get boss drops for free. The items inside are random and often disappointing, but getting low-level equipment from random drops is much less than spending items to get disappointing equipment.

If the player does not have extra crystals, then the player should save them as unique decorations and skins for Monster Hunter. In addition, MMOWTS is currently holding promotional activities. If players want to get a large amount of Bless Unleashed Star Seeds in a short period of time, they can visit MMOWTS now and spend a small amount of money to buy them.

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