I think there's a ladder on the south-westernmost point of the island. Climb to the top of the ladder from the South-West tip on Solar Isle buy osrs infernal cape. Do you think this is the place that the Druid was talking about? Follow the corridor and to the west. There will be an Enchanted Door. There are letters visible inside the door.

A Riddle appears inside the door. Two men are speaking. One of them says he celebrated his birthday just two days ago and that the date was 21. He claims he'll be 25 in two years. It's unbelievable. If this was possible, on what date did they discuss? They were talking on the 2nd of January and the date of their birthday is December 31st.

The words fade in and the door opens. I wonder if that is the chest? Then, open the chest, and Search for it. You will recieve the Grimy Sunset herb, which needs 50 Herblore to clean. Clean the herb , and then go back to the dungeon. Your player will view the cut-scene. Savarius Solar will battle an Masked Mage.

The Lunar people won't quit do they? Savarius Solar throws the Solar Wulyaxior. It is similar to throwing knives. Never Savarius! The Masked Mage unleashes a sinister Lunar Blast at Savarius. It strikes a 62-year-old and takes out the entirety of his health. Very weak Lokear Very! Savarius throws an Solar Wulyaxior and hits a 76, leaving the mage weakened. Masked Mage: With the strength of Lunar Isle RS3 Accounts. You're sentenced to death! Masked Mage hits the 98 mark and kills Savarius. The Cutscene closes and you'll find an Sunrisen Staff in your backpack.