
Postnatal Massage Singapore Pte Ltd brings you the rejuvenating and relaxing experience of mummy massage, designed specifically for new mothers to restore their well-being after childbirth. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the benefits, techniques, and considerations of mummy massage.

Understanding Mummy Massage

Mummy massage, also known as postnatal massage, is a specialized massage therapy tailored for mothers after giving birth. It focuses on addressing the physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. This therapeutic practice aims to promote healing, relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance overall relaxation for new mothers.

Benefits of Mummy Massage

  • Physical Healing: Mummy massage helps in the recovery process by easing sore muscles, reducing swelling, and promoting better blood circulation, which aids in faster healing of the body.
  • Stress Relief: The gentle and soothing touch of mummy massage promotes relaxation, reduces stress hormones, and improves sleep quality, essential for new mothers coping with the demands of motherhood.
  • Emotional Well-being: Postnatal massage has positive effects on mental health, reducing anxiety, and promoting feelings of calmness and well-being, crucial for adjusting to the challenges of motherhood.
  • Bonding with Baby: Some mummy massage sessions include techniques that encourage bonding between mother and baby, such as infant massage, fostering a deeper connection between the two.

Techniques Used in Mummy Massage

  • Swedish Massage: This technique involves long, gliding strokes, kneading, and circular movements to relax muscles and improve circulation.
  • Lymphatic Drainage: Gentle strokes and light pressure are used to stimulate the lymphatic system, reducing swelling and promoting detoxification.
  • Deep Tissue Massage: Targets deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues to release tension and improve mobility.
  • Acupressure Points: Pressure is applied to specific points on the body to alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and restore energy flow.

Considerations for Mummy Massage

  • Timing: It is recommended to wait at least a week after vaginal delivery and six weeks after a cesarean section before starting mummy massage to allow the body to heal.
  • Qualified Practitioners: Ensure that the massage therapist is trained and experienced in postnatal massage techniques to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  • Medical Clearance: Consult with your healthcare provider before starting mummy massage, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns.
  • Comfort and Privacy: Choose a comfortable and private environment for the massage session to enhance relaxation and promote a positive experience.


Mummy massage offered by Postnatal Massage Singapore Pte Ltd provides new mothers with a holistic approach to postpartum care, addressing physical, emotional, and bonding needs. By understanding the benefits, techniques, and considerations of mummy massage, mothers can embark on a journey of healing, relaxation, and well-being during the precious postnatal period.