Welcome to our insightful exploration of two master-level questions in discrete mathematics. As a dedicated expert in the field, it's essential to delve into complex theoretical concepts and provide comprehensive answers that elucidate the underlying principles. At mathsassignmenthelp.com, we understand the significance of mastering discrete mathematics concepts, which form the bedrock of various disciplines such as computer science, cryptography, and theoretical physics. In this blog, we'll tackle two intriguing questions, providing lucid explanations to deepen your understanding of these theoretical constructs. Whether you're a student grappling with your discrete math assignment or an enthusiast keen on exploring the intricacies of this fascinating field, join us on this enlightening journey. Let's unravel the mysteries of Discrete Math Assignment Helper together.

Question 1:

Consider a graph G with n vertices and m edges. Prove that if G is connected and acyclic, then m = n - 1.


In graph theory, a connected graph is one in which there exists a path between every pair of vertices. An acyclic graph, commonly known as a tree, is a graph with no cycles. To prove that a connected and acyclic graph G with n vertices and m edges satisfies m = n - 1, let's employ the principle of induction.

Base Case: When G is a tree with n = 1 vertex, it has 0 edges. Hence, m = n - 1 holds true.

Inductive Step: Assume the statement holds for a tree with k vertices, where k > 1. Now, consider adding a vertex to this tree, resulting in k + 1 vertices. Since the graph remains connected, adding a vertex necessitates adding exactly one edge to maintain connectivity without introducing a cycle. Thus, the number of edges increases by 1, leading to m = (k + 1) - 1 = k.


By induction, we've shown that for any connected and acyclic graph G with n vertices, the number of edges m is equal to n - 1. This fundamental result underscores the intimate relationship between the topology of a graph and its edge count.

Question 2:

Prove that every planar graph with n vertices satisfies the inequality m ≤ 3n - 6, where m represents the number of edges.


In graph theory, a planar graph is one that can be drawn on a plane without any edges crossing. To establish the inequality m ≤ 3n - 6 for planar graphs with n vertices, let's employ Euler's formula, which states that for any connected planar graph with v vertices, e edges, and f faces, v - e + f = 2.

Given a planar graph with n vertices, we have: v = n (number of vertices) e ≤ 3n - 6 (to be proved) f ≥ 1 (minimum number of faces)

Substituting these values into Euler's formula, we get: n - (3n - 6) + 1 ≥ 2 -2n + 7 ≥ 2 -2n ≥ -5 n ≤ 2.5

Since the number of vertices must be a non-negative integer, n ≤ 2.5 implies n ≤ 2. Therefore, the inequality holds for n ≤ 2.


In this blog, we've delved into two master-level questions in discrete mathematics, elucidating the underlying principles with clarity and precision. By exploring the concepts of connected and acyclic graphs, as well as planar graphs, we've unveiled fundamental truths that underpin these theoretical constructs. At mathsassignmenthelp.com, we're committed to empowering students with a deeper understanding of discrete mathematics, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to excel in their academic pursuits. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of discrete mathematics and unlocking the boundless possibilities it offers.