Lightweight Motorized Wheelchairs in Mohali provide unparalleled freedom and convenience. This chair can easily fold for transport on airlines, allowing easy travel.

X-lite features two standard 24V * 5.2AH batteries, which can be removed for charging or used simultaneously for maximum versatility and crafted using only high-quality materials for longevity and lightweight design.


If you have limited mobility, a wheelchair can make a tremendous difference to your independence and life. It allows you to travel further and do more, leading a more active life. However, finding one tailored to your specific needs is essential; otherwise, it could cause secondary issues like pressure sores or skeletal deformities, while finding one with support and comfort allows more freedom of movement.

Evox Electric Power Wheelchair WC103 is designed to give users maximum comfort through automation and self-control. It features a long-life battery with its simple joystick control mechanism and portable remote, allowing patients to operate the reclining backrest and footrest elevation features and attendant controller support for ultimate convenience.

The Evox WC103 is constructed of premium-grade aluminum, and its frame has been powder-coated to enhance strength and durability. Its lightweight yet compact size makes it easy to handle and store. It has adjustable flip-up armrests, black cushion seating for extra comfort, a detachable footer, and manual brakes for additional safety features, making it an excellent travel companion.

Evox WC103 wheelchairs stand out from other models by being extremely easy to fold compared to others on the market, making it simple and hassle-free to transport in most vehicles without costly adaptations or adaptations. It is ideal for indoor and outdoor use, reaching 6 km per hour when driven.

Wheelchairs can be an expensive investment, so it is crucial that you find one that best meets your needs. Many individuals rent first before buying to gain experience using it before making a final decision based on individual needs or the length of the rental agreement period. A month is often enough time for this experience to get an idea of resale value if you decide to sell later.


Evox wheelchairs are ergonomic mobility aids designed to support seniors, people with injuries or limited mobility, and those residing in senior living facilities. Contoured for comfort and support with adjustable features that increase versatility, they can be powered manually or with electricity and come in various colors - they even feature customizable controls so you can tailor them according to your needs and abilities.

One of the most sought-after models is the WC-104, an ideal lightweight, portable wheelchair for indoor or outdoor use. This model boasts a sturdy frame with an easy folding battery suitable for individuals up to 100 kg; flip-up armrests, adjustable detachable footrests, and easy maneuvering features such as side controller attachment and flip-up armrests make this model suitable for daily life.

This Evox electric wheelchair features a red and black cushioned seat with a lead acid double battery and steel frame. It has a driving range of 15-20 km at maximum speeds of 6kmph and offers remote-control operation of its reclining backrest and footrest elevation features.

Wheelchairs can be expensive, so many users prefer renting them before committing to owning one. Rental arrangements provide an ideal way of experiencing how it feels before purchasing and offer an affordable alternative to long-term lease or loan agreements.

Finding a wheelchair that best meets your needs involves carefully considering several factors, including physical condition and lifestyle. A functional chair can significantly increase independence while decreasing dependency. A practical wheelchair should allow easy in and out use, efficient propulsion, easy repairs/maintenance, and should provide efficient repair/maintenance services. If unsure which wheelchair will meet these requirements, it's a good idea to consult with medical professionals who will recommend one tailored to meet your lifestyle needs and provide tips for using it effectively.


This lightweight and foldable wheelchair is designed to increase mobility and independence for people with limited mobility. It is light and foldable for easy transport. It features advanced features like reclining capabilities and various adjustments that meet individual needs while remaining safe and ergonomic.

The Evox WC107 electric wheelchair is an excellent solution for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities. This lightweight single-folding power chair features an aluminum frame for durability and a rechargeable battery and joystick controller for convenience and maneuverability in tight spaces.

If you're searching for a lightweight motorized wheelchair in Mohali, the Evox WC107 could be an excellent choice. Available in multiple colors and sizes, this wheelchair features detachable footrests and adjustable flip-up armrests to suit every user.

Easy to transport and assemble, making this wheelchair an excellent travel option. Its sleek design and comfortable seating make it a good choice for increasing independence; plus, its lightweight and compact size means it fits seamlessly into most vehicles without costly vehicle adaptation costs.

This wheelchair is constructed of high-grade aluminum and treated using a safe, dry-finishing process for optimal durability and protection. Reinforcing its wheelbase adds extra sturdiness for everyday use, and its joystick control enables easy operation with its spacious seat featuring a headrest.

Are You Searching for an Electric Wheelchair in Mohali for Active Lifestyle or Long Term Care? The Evox WC107 may be just what you're searching for! With its lightweight design making it easier to transport and handle while its adjustable controls make customization simple for every user's specific needs, this wheelchair represents outstanding value for money.


The EVOX WC101 ergonomic mobility aid is an ergonomic mobility aid ideal for senior adults, individuals with injuries or limited mobility, or anyone in between. Featuring flip-up armrests and adjustable, detachable footrests - as well as an optional controller that can be placed on either side - this wheelchair folds for car transport. Plus, it includes extra features like back support, which provides added safety as well as a long-lasting battery. Plus, its spacious seating area accommodates multiple users at once!

This electric power wheelchair features a high-quality framework and liquid painting. The user can control it easily thanks to an easy joystick; its superior motor lasts long; cushions provide additional comfort; its resale value is good, taking 6-8 hours for battery charge time while covering 12 miles on one charge and quickly traversing inclines and uneven terrains.

Evox electric wheelchairs can be tailored specifically for each user. These chairs include various controls for feet, arms, and back as well as height/depth adjustable seating with height adjustment capabilities, and some are even designed to accommodate individuals with amputations, in addition to standard features such as tilt-in-space capabilities or recline functions.

Purchasing a hospital Evox electric wheelchair 101 can be an expensive investment that may be difficult to decide. Many customers find renting one an effective way to try before making their long-term commitment and saving money when making their purchase decision.

The Evox WC101 wheelchair is an impressive mobility aid. With its lightweight design, durable construction, and user-friendly controls, this electric wheelchair is an excellent solution for seniors or disabled individuals needing help getting around.