Choosing a creative and amusing wireless network name can add a touch of personality to your home network. Here are some fun and clever wireless network name ideas:

  1. Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi
  2. It Burns When IP
  3. Silence of the LANs
  4. The Promised LAN
  5. Get Off My LAN!
  6. This LAN is My LAN
  7. Drop It Like It's Hotspot
  8. Wu-Tang LAN
  9. No Free Wi-Fi For You
  10. FBI Surveillance Van #239
  11. Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wi-Fi
  12. The Internet is Lava
  13. LAN Solo
  14. Lord of the Pings
  15. It Hurts When IP
  16. Abraham Linksys
  17. John Wilkes Bluetooth
  18. The LAN Before Time
  19. The Password Is 1234 (Not really!)
  20. I'm Not a Witch, I'm Your Wi-Fi

Remember to keep it light-hearted and considerate, avoiding offensive or inappropriate names.

Read Also: Stylish Wi-Fi Names