Dark circles can give one an aged, worn-out, and even unhealthy appearance. Even with a plethora of high-end eye creams, dozens of concealers, and adequate sleep, it is likely that the dark circles beneath the eyes will remain noticeable. These dark circle treatments are ineffective because they do not deal with the underlying cause of the problem. These dark circles may be brought on by shadowing, a decrease in volume beneath the eyes, allergies that cause one to rub their eyes and risk bruising them, or dark pigmentation beneath the eyes due to inherited genes from one’s parents.

Tear trough filler treatments are a quick and efficient way to quickly and effectively fill in the hollows under the eyes that cause dark circles. An individual can attain a more youthful, revitalized, and organic appearance with just one dermal filler procedure. In this blog, we will explore the effectiveness of fillers for dark circles. To make this post authentic, we have gathered insights from Dr. Shikha Aggarwal, renowned as the best dermatologist in Ludhiana.

Causes of Dark Circles Formation

  • Dark circles are usually the result of shadowing. The under-eye area appears dark because of the shadow created by light falling on a hollow depression in the groove that divides the upper cheek from the eyelid.
    With aging come deeper and more pronounced natural grooves that cast unsightly shadows that suggest fatigue and advanced age.
  • Regardless of how well-rested one is, dark circles from weight loss and skin thinning can also make one appear exhausted.
  • Dark circles can sometimes be brought on by discoloration of the skin beneath the eyes. The pigmentation on the skin causes this.
  • Allergies and sleep deprivation can also cause temporary dark circles under the eyes, as these factors can irritate the eyes and cause them to rub.

How Do Under Eye Fillers Help to Get Rid of Dark Circles?
The most frequent cause of dark circles beneath the eyes is aging-related volume loss in the tear trough region. Dermal fillers restore volume beneath the eyes by applying a thin layer of hyaluronic acid with a blunt cannula to lift the skin and plump up the area.

In a day or two, most patients who receive eye filler treatment will look brighter, more rested, and more energized. Predicting how the eye bag filler treatment will turn out can be challenging before the procedure because each person responds differently. Patients can see results immediately in certain cases, but in others, they might need a second treatment to get the desired effects.

Dermal fillers are one of the most effective, non-surgical ways to eliminate dark circles. The results of the treatment can last up to six to nine months. No amount of concealer can hide a hollow beneath the eye. After getting the eye filler, one can work out, go out with friends, and attend important events with the confidence that they look as young and vibrant as they feel.

If you want dark circle treatment in Ludhiana, you can consult Dr. Shikha Aggarwal at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic. She has a record of providing successful results for patients with dark circles. Contact her today to learn more.