Virgin Atlantic offers travel facilities and even better features, in the same way, it also offers a better support facility for the passengers who are looking for a trip with Virgin Airlines and get help by contacting the Virgin Atlantic Reservations phone number.

Facilities we get through Virgin Atlantic Reservations

Enjoy complimentary cocktails in all classes of service. Enthusiasts range from Bucks Fizz cocktails to Lanson Black Label champagne.

Passengers can also request special meals (diabetes, low salt, Kosher, religion, etc.) in advance.

Some world-class flight amenities are video screens, power ports, tables, storage spaces, and stylish tableware on all seats. Passengers traveling to all classes are given cocktails to recommend. Riders can choose from a variety of styles, from Bucks Fizz cocktail to Lanson Black Label champagne.

Virgin Atlantic provides passengers with special meals such as religious foods, diabetes, kosher, low salt, etc.

Virgin Atlantic offers many things like video screens fitted to all seats, electric ports, beautiful dishes, storage space, tables, and much more

Source: Virgin Atlantic Booking