As a large number of craftsmen learn and Tibetan sculpture and Buddhist religious objects for Buddhism, this has also led to deeply religious culture in Tibetan decorations, clothing, and jewelry. It has also become a symbol of Tibet. Tibetan gowns The traditional costumes of Tibetans vary greatly in materials and craftsmanship, but their styles are similar. The basic features are big placket, wide waist, long sleeves, super long, no buttons. The characteristics of Tibetan gowns are large, warm, practical and multi-purpose. The Tibetan robe is longer than height, with a large left flap and a small right flap, without a collar.

 The dress is very particular. First put on a shirt and underpants, and then raise the bottom of the robe to the customary height, usually to the knees of men and to the insteps of women, and then tie them with a belt. The front should be flat and the back wrinkles should be orderly. The advantage of Tibetan robe is there. The Tibetans belong to a nomadic nation. They lie on the ground overnight when they are tired from grazing. At this time, the characteristics of Tibetan robe are highlighted. Untie the belt and spread the robe on the ground. The quilt is the best of both worlds. Second, due to the large climate gap on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibetan robes are very suitable for local life.

 In Tibetan areas, it is generally cold during the day and night, but it is unusually hot at noon. Generally, the right arm is exposed at the time. This is convenient for life. The robes are thicker and heavier. When it is hot at noon, the two sleeves are usually taken off and tied around the waist. In this way, it will not be hot when working, and it is convenient to put on when it is cold. The Tibetan robe is just like a very large bag. There is no button on the whole body, which also makes him versatile. Generally, the front of the Tibetan robe is bulged up. People put bowls of tsampa on the chest, and even the bag is saved. Well, some can even be used to hold the child, put it on the chest or take off the two sleeves of the Tibetan robe and place the child on the back. The two sleeves are crossed into a child carrier. At this time, I would sigh that human wisdom is truly incredible.

more about: Tibetan butter sculpture