There is little that can not be achieved with a few hard capital and a sturdy set of tools, also with this foundation in mind we've introduced some much-requested usability improvements in the Money Pouch and Tool Belt. In the base of RS gold the mini-map interface, you'll see a small icon depicting a pile of coins. From now on, coins can be put here rather than in your stock, if you would like. You can right-click coins to include them into the money pouch from your stock. Bear in mind that coins are secure from being lost on departure unless they're in your inventory when you die in the Wilderness.

The tool belt icon are located in the bottom right of your outfitted inventory interface. Many tools can be added to this belt, so they may be used whenever you need them without taking up inventory space. To add a tool to the belt, then right-click on it from your stock. For specific tools, such as pickaxes and hatchets, only a bronze thing can be saved. While the tool belt will not replace your shiny dragon equipment, it is fantastic for performing diverse skilling tasks on the fly. We'll be adding functionality to the later on, including support for Dungeoneering.

Last, but not least, we have given all members 30 additional bank spaces! If money is in the pouch even at the wildy, it is safe. People will do this for staking now. Also, can I get 30 spaces if I turned into a mem after? Thanks! I would like to get my combat level to 100, and be in a position to still struggle but not gain any more fight levels so possibly attack, defence or strength should be 99. I also would like to own 99 prayer if at all possible.He is probably macroing. Now you have to make the decision; do you appreciate your friendship or the sport rules more? What do you imply? What could you do if you were me? Is someone who gets reported permitted to see who reported them? Thanks! Nope... it does not show who reported . Just be like everything is normal and then when he has banned... be like"o my god" just so that you don't look as if you did it. Do you care about the game? I would report him as that is 1 bot less.

That is what I would do... just act like you didnt do it. Being a snitch has nothing to do with it, he wont be perminatly banned probably:-LRB- so when he receives is account back he'll have learned his lesson and not do it again. How come I posted exactly the same thing twice? :D i edited my post and OSRS buy gold it reposted... sorry guys. What type of friends are you men? If you let game rules get in the way between you and your buddy, then that is not an excellent thing to do. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand about it. The fact is you're ruining potential enjoyment for your friend because a business that really doesn't give a damn lets you know that you ought to.