What to be done:

  • Read the question thrice. One, for general understanding. Two, in search of key words and phrases. Three, paying attention to the key words and phrases.
  • Do not panic when you see Latinate or unfamiliar words. There is always a part of the question you can answer confidently. The paper is not a vocabulary test for students!
  • Identify the segment/s of the question that need to be addressed. A mere appreciation of the literary text will NOT be given marks.

Eg: 1

“Colonial rule is neither benevolent nor beneficial, but the colonized always find the means to appropriate the rules to suit their own agendas.” Examine William Shakespeare’s The Tempest in light of this statement.


Eg: 2

“Markandaya’s novel Nectar in a Sieve attempts to critique industrialization in India but does not provide a convincing account of the systematic exploitation of rural communities.” Do you agree?


Eg: 3

“What happens to the Smaleses and to July – the shifts in character and relationships – gives us an unforgettable look into the terrifying misunderstandings between blacks and whites in South Africa in the 1970s.” Is this an accurate analysis of Gordimer’s July’s People?


Eg:4 4
Write a brief analysis of any three poems in your syllabus, paying special attention to the shared thematic concerns explored by the poets.



“Reality is often disappointing, but it is sometimes difficult to accept. It is also often impossible to escape from reality” In light of this statement, discuss the importance of reality and its hold on the characters in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie.