Thus the reason for the procedure is exposed, decayed or broken areas of the tooth and sometimes for cosmetic reasons. A periodontist or a gum specialist performs the crown lengthening procedure to expose more tooth structure before fitting a bridge or performing another restorative dental procedure. Whether you need crown lengthening for restorative or cosmetic purposes, visit McClane Dentistry in Stuart, FL. Our dentist will analyze your oral state and help you to achieve your smile goals.

McClane Gum Drafting Dentist in Stuart, FL

Gum grafting

Gum grafting is the process of carefully placing a small number of tissues in an area where little or no tissue currently exists. The main reason for the process is to prevent further gum recession or to cover root surfaces of your teeth that have become exposed. The tissues used in this procedure come from various sources, but it is chiefly taken from the roof of the mouth, also known as a palate. Furthermore, grafting procedures are generally done under anesthesia and are pain-free. McClane Dentistry in Stuart, FL, offers gum grafting treatments to all the patients who need them. We have highly experienced dentists who can carry out the procedure with precision.