In 2021, RuneScape will light 20 candles, which can be played in the browser, and almost all slow PCs can be played in a common library, and it is still very popular today. Dave Osborne and Mark Ogilvie have worked at Jagex for more than 10 years and have also been interviewed by XGN. Let us see what they say about RuneScape.

The first topic is about the release of RuneScape on the gaming platform Steam. After all, more than 10,000 positive comments were received within two months of the release.

Dave Osborne said that the discussion about the release of RuneScape on Steam has been going on for several years. This is a logical move because it creates a larger scope and the release on Steam has also reached the number of users. Peak, underestimated how many people are really waiting. The result was an unexpected gain, and they were shocked. Then he mentioned that he can't always realize how important the player's own game knowledge is to them. Take the evolution of battle: EoC as an example. Record the results of this update and apply them to any subsequent updates. Players already have an understanding of the game boss, and some seemingly unindicated updates will also be conquered by the player.

The second topic is the speculation about the rumor that RuneScape 4 has released. Osborne and Ogilvie's answers were unclear, but they also revealed their expectations for the new version. At the technical level, there will be a choice, to implement some new technologies in the original RuneScape, or to recreate a new version to achieve a huge update. Like the players, the development team will also want to have updates that surpass RuneScape 3 and Old School RuneScape. Ogilvie's consideration is at the player level. The new version can attract some new players, but it is worth considering whether old players are more willing to have the idea of breaking the existing lifestyle.

The last is their two glorious moments of work. Ogilvie feels that RuneScape's archaeology and Old School's pioneer alliance are two great ideas. After studying the mistakes of the past, they chose to meet the challenge and finally won. Osborne felt that the story of RuneScape was like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, and when they were connected, he was full of pride.

The 20 years of RuneScape have passed like this, and the little boys who once had already become social workers. I still remember that when I searched for Runescape Gold on Google that year, I spent my pocket money for the first time on a piece of free game equipment. Let us congratulate RuneScape on a happy 20th birthday.