Aortic valve disease is a condition that affects the aortic valve, which is one of the four valves that are responsible for regulating the flow of blood. The aortic valve opens and closes to ensure that blood flows in one direction, from the left ventricle into the aorta and out to the rest of the body. It separates the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, from the aorta (the biggest artery in the body). Aortic valve diseases, such as aortic valve stenosis and aortic valve regurgitation, can be a cause of concern and require evaluation by an expert cardiologist.

To provide readers with a better understanding, in this blog, we will discuss the two main types of aortic valve disease and the treatment options available. To make this post enriching and factful we have taken insights from expert heart specialists, one like Dr. Sujay Shad, who is considered to be the best heart doctor in Delhi. Read on for more insights.

What are the Two Types of Aortic Valve Diseases?

Aortic Stenosis: This occurs when the blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta is reduced as a result of the aortic valve becoming narrowed. It can be caused due to scarring from rheumatic fever, congenital anomalies, or age-related calcification. Some of the symptoms of aortic stenosis include chest pain, breathlessness, weariness, and heart palpitations.

Aortic Regurgitation (Insufficiency): During this condition, aortic valves do not close properly. This makes the blood flow in a reverse direction through the aortic valve. This may eventually result in an enlarged left ventricle, which could then cause other symptoms, including palpitations, exhaustion, and shortness of breath.

How is Aortic Valve Disease Treated?

Treatment for aortic valve disease varies depending on the severity of the condition, the presence of symptoms, the patient's overall health, and whether the condition is getting worse. Following are the treatment options, including surgery:

  1. Medical Management: In the early stages of aortic valve disease, especially when it is asymptomatic, the surgeon could advise regular monitoring and medications to reduce the risk of complications. The medications could include diuretics, blood pressure medications, or medications to lower cholesterol levels.
  2. Valve Repair: For some patients with aortic valve disease, especially those with aortic regurgitation, the surgeons advise repairing the valve instead of replacing it. This is usually done for congenital abnormalities or if the valve leaflets can be reshaped or reconstructed.
  3. Aortic Valve Replacement: When the aortic valve disease is severe and it cannot be repaired, aortic valve replacement is often recommended. There are two main types of valve replacement. These include:
  • Mechanical Valve Replacement: This is done by replacing the damaged valve with a mechanical prosthetic valve. Mechanical valves are durable, but they need blood-thinning medication in order to prevent blood clots.
  • Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement: During this procedure, a biological or tissue valve is used to replace the damaged valve. Bioprosthetic valves do not require long-term anticoagulation but may need to be replaced after some time, i.e., 10–15 years.

The patient's age, general health, and the severity of the valve condition are some of the various factors that help determine the choice of treatment option. In order to choose the best course of action for treating aortic valve dysfunction, it is best to consult a leading heart surgeon. One can consider consulting, Dr. Sujay Shad, a famous heart doctor who is renowned for performing the best aortic surgery in India. Besides aortic surgery, the expert surgeon has also performed a range of heart surgeries, such as heart transplants, HOCM, bypass surgery, and many more. To get consulted by him, one will have to make a visit to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. It’s better not to delay when an important organ like heart is concerned, pay a visit today!