What Are The Features Of A Protractor?

An end-to-end testing framework for AngularJS is called Protractor apps that combines potent tools and technologies, including NodeJS, Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber, and Mocha, to serve as a solution integrator. Google Developers first created it as a framework for angular applications, and was later made available as open source. Protractor now supports applications that are both Angular and Non-Angular. The protractor is a wrapper built on top of Webdriver.js; it supports all Selenium Webdriver-supported functionalities in addition to those unique to Angular. In this article, we have discussed the features of a protractor to know more, join Protractor Training In Chennai offered by FITA Academy.


1)Supports Angular Specific Locators

The protractor offers expanded support for the locators ng-model, ng-bind, ng-repeat, and other angular-specific locators included with the angular application. Protractor already has angular locators prepared for you so that you can use by. Model, by. Repeater, etc., without having to generate a complicated XPath.


2)Supports Both Angular And Non-Angular Applications

Protractor offers enhanced support for Angular, but it also supports applications that don't use it. That implies you can still use the Protractor framework and perform complete end-to-end automation test automation even if your application has angular parts and not.


3)Supports Cross-Browser Testing

Our scripts can be executed in various browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11, and Edge. Cross-browser testing configuration is simple and quick to complete. 


4)Supports Parallel Execution

Consider that we have a large number of test cases. Running all the test cases consecutively or one after the other would take a long time. Here, parallel processing is helpful. Two browser instances are used in a run, each running two test cases simultaneously. Therefore, more test cases will be executed in less time if you use parallel execution, for example, if you have four test cases.


5)Supports Extensibility

Protractor may use the extensive selection of packages offered by the node.js framework because it is a node.js application. Therefore, installing node packages allows one to expand their framework or add new functionality. For instance, Jasmine HTML Reporter can generate HTML reports, and eslint or tslint can be installed to produce clean code. The same applies to installing your preferred node packages.


Thus, the features of a protractor are Support angular-specific locators, both angular and non-angular applications, cross-browser testing, parallel execution, and Support extensibility. To know more, make use of the Protractor Course Online.