Diablo 4 is about to start, and the first thing we need to do after entering this game is to build our own character. When we make a character, we can customize our character as we like. Now let's introduce some information about custom roles.

What parts of Diablo 4 can players customize their characters?

Players will be able to customize the following parts of their character:

  • Face
  • Hairstyle
  • Facial hair (Beards and eyebrows)
  • Jewelry (Nose piercings and earrings)
  • Makeup
  • Body markings (Tattoos and body paint)
  • Color values (Skin, eyes, hair, and body markings)
  • Other class-specific options

What are the character options in Diablo 4?

Diablo 4 has five playable classes, each with unique mechanics for varied gameplay. These classes are Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer, Necromancer, and Druid. The game does not lock any classes into gender or ethnicity roles by default, so players can choose to play as a male or female character regardless of the class they select.

How do you change character appearance in Diablo 4?

To change your character's appearance in Diablo 4, interact with the wardrobe and select the appearance tab. The cabinet can be found in Kyovashad, the first significant hub you see, and it looks like a giant closet. Once you open the wardrobe, you can change each armor piece by selecting variant styles and pigments. You can also create ensembles and custom outfits you can swap to.   The appearance tab allows you to adjust your character's makeup, jewelry, and body markings. You cannot change your face, hair, or skin color, which makes it a little limited. However, these minor adjustments can be made without costing any gold Diablo 4.

The above is the method of customizing the character in Diablo 4. When we enter the game, we can change the character's appearance according to the above process, which can help us build a unique character in this game.

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