Basically, will they attempt to appease their elderly crowd (who showed up in droves) or even attempt to change to match to make it less appealing to adults and Animal Crossing Items much more (or just ) attractive to kids?

For me personally it's not even that, it is that the next onwards profiles have limited skills. That fuckin blows and stopped me from becoming the match. Otherwise I would have loved to discuss an island with my husband.

It's not ideal, but it really does not hamstring you like you think/people say.

Personally, I enjoy sharing the island with my wife and daughter. I definitely understand wanting one yourself too. As always, more flexibility and options are always better.

Yeah, if both players were equal owners and could"progress" the island equally, it'd be fine. I've got it and my daughter would be your island owner so there's nothing I can do unless she goes and does the quests.

And he is tackling a particular point made in the article. Does he need to discuss every single topic prior to making a remark?

This is clearly not a game designed toward the majority of people with this sub. I don't really understand all the hating given many folks here either didn't play the previous ones or clearly have an interest in a game that is not Animal Crossing.

Do not like decorating? Do not like talking to villagers? That's disliking the heart of what the game is meant to be and it is no wonder you would hate it.

Just so absurd to watch people get up in arms over a series not intended to be their jam.

I don't think that's been the gist of this criticism at all. People have critiqued the game for the ways that it deviated from the old games, not since the AC formula isn't for players. For instance: making the games increasingly more focused around the player and not as much around the animal crossing items new horizons villagers, together with less dialogue variation, less diverse behaviors, the ability to control who comes and goes, etc..