Everyone else on Animal Crossing New Horizons Items earth makes the identical money, and soon every debeloped nation in the world encounters hyperinflation of the currency. Cash becomes valueless. People starve, and burn paper money to warmth. Electricity grids shut down, and no one can play with the matches ever again since the world rebuilds its economy from scratch.

. All of your animal crossing bells are delivered to a bank account. However, the bank doesn't know how to handle this new type of money and it breaks down the system, and the bank needs to reset their databases, leading to you and many different people losing all their money.

Since the countries now are broke, they wind up becoming a third world country with no possibility of getting back on their own foot.

Video game money is translatable into buy Animal Crossing Bells actual currency throughout the globe, and the economy crashes as people begin paying debts off with Mario coins. To avoid total government destruction, video games have been declared illegal indefinitely.

, the debt also carries over and your work your days and nights at animal crossing just hoping to survive and not die of the meager food rations and trying not to get caught as you steal power simply to have a chance in a poor, useless, and complete miserable life.

, the IRS see a massive cash deposit into your bank account. They explore and realize you did not pay tax on it. Your prison for the next 60 years... 40 in the event that you have good behavior.