Yup, it'll be frustrating if your guide dps gets hitched unfairly, but that is Classic. The game's already an unbalanced relic, and also the folks knee deep in the beautiful mess are thirsting for wow gold classic a drop of the old frustration. I refuse to believe a neighborhood who enjoys grinding farming and honor Scarlet Monastery would be put off with a couple of bug-induced raid wipes.

For yet another perspective on C'Thun I wished to speak with a regular raiding guild, one which came to AQ40 ready but to a far lesser extent than people that I spoke to. Merrilia is an officer in Dopamin. Even this guild, the sort of guild you could find on any server full of regular players, would be eager to try a pre-nerf C'Thun jog, albeit with a few of those pesky bugs removed. "Pre-nerf C'Thun would be interesting to test out," Merrilia said. "That said it depends upon how many'bugs' are included in the nerf version and if those bugs were too game dividing to allow for a kill in any respect."

In the end, that the pre-nerf C'Thun experience is just as much a component of Classic WoW as farming devilsaur leather, or fending off rogues in world PvP. It's part of the legend of buy classic wow gold, something never bested by players at the moment. Every man I've asked said they'd be considering taking on the battle, from the mega raiders, to a average joe.