You're going to want to play OSRS gold


You're going to want to play OSRS gold should you would like to re-live your childhood. It is most likely one of the very MTX riddled games of all time.

Oh my...I've more hours at Runescape (the OG) than any other game I've played (besides 1) but that I have not even thought of logging for several decades. Is this the original game, only on Steam?

The 07Scape version should come to steam afterwards.

Are there several variations of Runescape floating about? Isn't Runescape 2007 the hottest or something? I really always kind of wanted to get into Runescape, but sort of got confused the few times I tried and just dropped it due to lack of motivation.

Just two, RS3, that's the only coming to steam, then there's Old School Runescape (OSRS). OSRS is a version of the sport out of 2007 but it still receives new updates.

The actual player count is displayed in here, or you may go to RS3's key webpage, take the count from them and substract Buy Rs gold player count.

I checked up on mine a few months ago and I think it got wiped a while back when they relaunched some thing. I can not recall what, I think old school . Either way old school and 3 are equally lvl 1. Maybe I could jump back in. Sucks though lava cape, some 99 capes, and a nice bankroll The beginning quests are kind of only fetch quests, (cooks helper asks you to fetch an egg, flour, and milk; witch's potion asks you to fetch a rat's tail, eye of newt, onion, and burnt beef ), but those few early quests made literally 20 decades ago do not reflect the overall quality of the quests that have come out since then.

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