How to get company registration in Bangalore

There are 4 methods for a company registration in Bangalore.

  1. Private limited company:

Private limited are best suited for IT and Expanding businesses. If your company is planning to raise capital, being private limited is must and should requirement.

 Required for a private company:

  1. There must be a minimum of 2 directors and 2 shareholders
  2. You be having registered office address in Bangalore
  3. There is limit for minimum share capital.

It takes around Ten working days depends on size of company and scale of business.


  1. At least one of the directors of the company must be resident in India.
  2. Shareholders also can be directors.

Process on How to register pvt LTD company in Bangalore?

It takes around 5-10 days for the entire process to complete.

Reach out to a pvt LTD registration service provider in Bangalore and be ready with the following documents.

  1. Application with digital signature of the shareholders and directors of the company.
  2. Be ready with the documents such as MOA, AOA, DIR, INC 9
  3. Filling form of form SPIC 33, 34 and 32
  4. Scanned copy of PAN card and any ID proof of each director and shareholder.



  1. Limited liability partnership

This type is best suited for family inherited businesses and if you’re not going to raise capital.

Get pvt LTD registration in Bangalore

           requirement for liability business:

  1. There must be a minimum number of two partners for this business.
  2. The address for the office must be registered in Bangalore.

Process on How to register pvt LTD company in Bangalore?

It takes around 5-10 days for the entire process to complete.

Reach out to a company registration service provider in Bangalore and be ready with following documents.

  1. Application with digital signature of the shareholders and directors of the company.
  2. Be ready with the documents such as MOA, AOA, DIR, INC 9
  3. Filling form of form SPIC 33, 34 and 32
  4. Scanned copy of PAN card and any ID proof of each director and shareholder.



  1. One-person company

This can only be done when you don’t have any partners and you are not planning to raise funds in the future. The minimum requirements for company incorporation in Bangalore are.


How  Requirement for one-person company

  1. 1 director and shareholder.
  2. 1 nominee director
  3. Address of the company where it is incorporated.

Process on How to register pvt Ltd company in Bangalore?

It takes around 5-10 days for the entire process to complete.

Reach out to a company registration service provider in Bangalore and be ready with the following documents.

  1. Application with digital signature of the shareholders and directors of the company.
  2. Be ready with the documents such as MOA, AOA, DIR, INC 9
  3. Filling form of form SPIC 33, 34 and 32
  4. Scanned copy of PAN card and any ID proof of each director and shareholder.


  1. Proprietorship

This is the easiest way to incorporate the company in Bangaloreit is only for individuals who are experimenting your idea or it is a temporary business. You cannot have a partner in this type.