Working as a webmaster, contrary to popular belief, requires a huge amount of daily work. And if you ask someone like me, a webmaster with years of hard work, you have to either get used to a lot of hard and very stressful days, or find yourself a powerful all-in-one toolkit. Having a versatile set of tools will save you a lot of time and hassle, not to mention increased stability in your daily work. With a manual approach, handling various procedures like website speed tests, protocol availability checks, SSL and domain checks, databases and overall data integrity checks, and more requires a ton of software and complex scripts.

And here it becomes necessary to understand one simple truth - almost every website failure can lead to unforeseen losses of various scales. From slight losses in the form of one or two visitors leaving or overpaying for Google Ads to a large outflow of users and serious financial backlash. Following these procedures literally by the book allows you to be aware of everything that happens to the website for which you are responsible, yet it won’t give you a required degree of reactivity and response speed. And it is very difficult to do what it takes without the proper toolkit - it will become a headache for both beginners and pros.

Methods to monitor websites

But the versatile all-in-one toolkit I mentioned will save you a lot of time and hassle, not to mention increasing the level of stability in your monitoring routine. I’m actually using a HostTracker website monitoring service. It is a platform that includes everything a webmaster might need. It can perform availability checks using various protocols and validate it at 140+ locations round the globe, taking blacklists in different countries into account. It can verify SSL and domain validity and a lot more up to monitoring your server hardware if you have access to it. This service is even capable of performing data consistency checks by taking snapshots of web pages to figure out if something is missing. And, of course, it will do everything automatically. 

checks by taking snapshots of web pages

As it is obvious to everyone, using HostTracker is not free, but this service will give you 30 days of free trial after registration. This way, you will be able to understand each setup sequence and tweak everything, even if you are a beginner. And all website monitoring services will be available without restrictions and work in a real environment free of charge during this month. And its instant notification system will send you an email, a Telegram message, or even call you on Skype if something is wrong. It can even call or send you an SMS if your subscription plan supports that.