In the present day of Australia Priests are spiritual leaders and assist people in overcoming great challenges and obstacles on earth. They believe in the concept of 'Submission' to God and are obligated to show mercy to those in need. They provide food, shelter and emotional help. Through these acts of compassion, people come to realize that although they cannot do it all on their own, they are able to seek help from priests.

In the movie Meet The Parents, Michael Fassbender is David Collier, a Priest who was called back to active duty after saving the lives of his teammates during an incident at school. After returning to his regular duties and soon realizes that he has lots of unfinished business within his own church. Six years ago it was when he witnessed the death of his brother. He is determined to stop this crime. However, he realizes that vampires pose a greater threat to his life than criminals. Forced to deal with various personal issues, he is determined to pursue his mission even when it means he has to turn against certain of his followers.

In the novel Neverwhere, author Steve Berry takes his readers into the bizarre and fascinating region of Australia known as Neverland. Following the events of the previous novel, the world is once again in danger of vampires and their ability to prey upon vulnerable humans. David is no longer a hero for his priest acquaintances, but he has become the hunted person. In a partnership with a reluctant motel employee, the desperate priest must discover the reason vampires have chosen Neverland as their final resting place.

The storyline of this novel is original, the movie version follows a few basic steps. The novel opens with a series of vignettes which show the spiritual underpinnings most vampires. หนังฟรี These show how the vampire views human life, and the ways they protect it. While the majority of the characters are humans, a few are involved in unsavory activities. This does not take away from the message of hope and the belief that there are things more powerful than man that can bring peace into the world and keep bad things from being a threat to humanity.

The movie Neverwhere, much like the book series follows the same plot and storyline as the book series. It follows the adventures of a priest who tries to stop evil creatures in all sizes and shapes. The story structure is different, however the message of hope and victory over evil is evident throughout. The film uses well-known scenes from other horror films in which the characters fight vampires. They also use specific movie monsters like the Vanquishtles (in the film adaptation). Neverwhere however, did add some new elements to the film that made it more entertaining.

One of the things that make Priest one of the most acclaimed vampire films is the outstanding acting performances of Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Aniston. Kingsley plays the role a religious zealot who becomes an unwavering follower of the Count Dracula. He embarks on a quest to stop evil before becoming a vampire. Jennifer Aniston portrays a young girl who falls in love with a vampire in the movie. While the two characters are romantically connected however, there is a hint of humor between them and the overall theme of faith and love.

Neverwhere is in a way like the Twilight Saga. A group of vamps threaten to take over the world and wipe out humanity. The main characters in the book, Dr. Van Helsing and Fatherolas are a team of two who work together to stop the vampires from destroying the world. The movie is set in London during the time of Van Helsing trying to stop the numerous vampire attacks that have been taking place throughout the city. Other interesting characters include Van Damme's character and Van Helsing’s father.

It's not surprising to find out that Michael Fassbender will play the role of a priest, in the upcoming sequel to Twilight. Although it has been long speculated, this is the first official confirmation. Michael Fassbender will play Edward Cullen who is the vampire love lover of Bella Swan in the Twilight movies. His contribution is significant due to his long-standing association with the role of the vampire. The character of a vampire played by an actor who has already made a name for himself in the world of Hollywood is a major win for Twilight fans everywhere.