
Azol is a supplement and a replacement for the commonly known pain reliever, Codeine. The brand name "Azol" was derived from the Latin "azole" meaning herb. Azol is derived from two herbs that have been studied extensively and found to be effective in alleviating pain: Hyoscyamus Niger and Arsen Iod. Azol contains Codeine, niacin, hydrocodone, and other ingredients.

What does Azol treat? Azol analogs are chemically identical to morphine, which is a synthetic drug. Azol provides relief of pain, rapid recovery from injury or surgery, and it is an anti-inflammatory, anti-slowing, and anti-toxic medication. Azol helps relieve immediate pain without addiction.

Is Azol safe to buy? Azol is recommended for short term use because it acts quickly and provides relief of pain. Azol is not habit forming, and it has very low tolerance levels. Azol is used to relieve coughs, colds, sore throats, and other symptoms of respiratory tract infection, and as a hemorrhoid treatment. Azol can be taken by mouth in a pill or a liquid, or you can ask your pharmacist to recommend an Azol shot or an intravenous (intravenous) dose. Azol is not for chronic health conditions, however, so if you are currently taking prescription drugs, contact your doctor before you start using Azol.

How do I buy Azol? To buy in the United States, you need to order via an online pharmacy. To find out more about ordering Azol and to find out where to buy Azol prescription drugs, go to the website below.

Who should buy Azol? Azol should only be prescribed by a physician. Azol should not be bought by anyone who has not been given proper authorization to buy the medication. Azol is not intended for the use of children, nor should it be taken without the supervision of a physician. Azol may be ordered online through an accredited medical site.

How much does Azol cost? The price for Azol treatments will vary depending on the type of Azol you buy, as well as whether you buy Azol in stores or online. Azol treatments can be purchased by calling your local or online pharmacy, or you can take advantage of special promotions that allow you to buy Azol at discount prices. If you are not sure what type of Azol to buy, call your local pharmacy or visit one of the many online pharmacies to get an idea of what is available and what costs.