Do it ! I've just completed the base game and I've been enjoying every moment of it. I feel 0 need to hurry through the game due to WOW TBC Classic Gold Ilevel sync, making even old content still challenging, the fact that there are fun activities other than murdering and hoboing about is awesome, I've only been racing chocobo for my self, and the people I've raced in dungeons will not give up in the event of a wipe. They will help you out if you need help.

I'm currently playing FF at the moment, but I don't have a strong argument to ignore ESO. Both are extremely enjoyable in their own unique ways. Final Fantasy feels more like an online game for me, and its story is equally good or superior to any mainline Final Fantasy game. ESO On the other is a way to be immersed in the world. ESO is a great way to engage with the world when you are adept at recognizing your Nirn. The main issue for many seems to be combat, FF feels much more like WoW. ESO appears more like GW2, and later on the rotating mechanics of ESO start to seem a bit sloppy, not from a length perspective, but from an execution point.

Both are extremely beneficial and are able to fulfill different areas. I personally have enjoyed the story of ESO better, however I've played a lot more Elder Scrolls games than I have Final Fantasy games, so I understand lore and references a lot more often there.

ESO is a more smooth housing system that FFXIV has a more smoother housing system. ESO lets you rotate and buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold float objects without having to exploit bugs. All instances are instances (but it's also large) meaning you don't have to battle with your friends over plots.