Women with breasts that are too large in size may suffer from neck and back pain or cervical issues, in addition to loss of self-confidence as they struggle with body image issues. Dr Priya Bansal is a gold-medallist plastic surgeon with RG Aesthetics. She expertly performs breast reduction surgery in Gurgaon to help women with large breasts while improving the overall contour.

Mammoplasty or Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure centred around reducing the volume and size of women’s breasts. Many women with larger busts and heavy chests opt for this procedure due to:
• Self-consciousness
• Shoulder, neck or back pain
• Asymmetrical breasts
• Health concerns like difficulty exercising and fungal infections

Many surgeons today misunderstand the goals of mammoplasty. Although it involves breast reduction, that is not its only goal. Mammoplasty is equally focused on improving the aesthetic appeal of your breasts. If you only remove fat from your breasts through liposuction, that can create a more deflated appearance.