A Grip Of Class Is What You Get From The Trayvax Cinch Belt


Every proper gentleman should have a belt in their closet, whether they like it or not. We can’t walk around with sagging pants, pulling them up every few seconds. That kind of lifestyle is for the young immature ones, and even they are trying to learn better. A shirt can be neat, and nicely tucked in, but the belt that holds the pants in place, is just as substantial as the clothes. The wrong kind of belt can take away from your whole appearance, this is why we must be very picky when buying them. I never went through the phase of leaving my pants beneath my but, and showing my boxer shorts to the world. For as long as I can remember, I have never worn a trouser without a belt, and sweatpants don’t count. Belts are one of my favorite things, and I like showing them off. The latest I have added to my collection is the Trayvax Cinch Belt.

When you are growing bigger, you can easily adjust it to size. There are already made sizes available trayvax, so you can choose from them. There are small, large, medium, and extra-large. No matter how small or big you are, there is a belt for you. You don’t have to struggle to get one. The webbing width is 1.5 inches, with a high-tensile strength of 2000lbs. A high level of stress can be applied to this material, and it wouldn’t break. Frequent use has no way of mangling the Trayvax Belt.


Its design is low-profile minimalist. There aren’t so many needles features, only simple, but classic ones. One major feature that drew me to the belt is the buckle. Belt buckles, add to their beauty, a wrong one, can kill off the appeal of an otherwise good belt. The buckle of Trayvax cinch is neither big nor heavy, we leave those kids for the cowboys. It has been carved into a nice shape, that lays perfectly where it should, it doesn’t take up any unnecessary space. The buckle of this belt is interchangeable. You can have as many as you want, in different colors, and change it whenever you feel the need to.

I remember a day when I came back home from work, tired and wanting to pee, but the lock on my buckle wouldn’t open. Frustration is an understatement of what I felt. It took five good minutes to get it to work, and with the help of my brother. The Trayvax belt is not like that. It has a flexible lock, that can open and close when you want it to, without hassle, and it’s a one-man job, no need for two people to open one belt buckle. Opening or closing it, requires just a little effort from only the person wearing it. Again, the buckle has been curved to suitably align with the shape of the body, which makes it more practical.


There is a 65-year heirloom warranty on the Trayvax Cinch, and it tells you all you need to know about it. A belt that is the product of all the above-mentioned high-quality materials is within its rights to last that long. 

Buying a Trayvax Cinch Belt does not require you to take a loan from the bank. Opposite to what you may think, the belt is affordable, you can buy it and still be left with plenty of money. Let no one lie to you about that, take the word of someone who has already bought it, and I’m not even rich, so you can imagine how cool the price is. Run for yours, and spread the word.

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