An acme dog whistle is a training tool that has been used to train dogs for a very long time. Acme silent dog whistle can be used for commands and they have a piercing sound that carries a long distance and is distinct from most everyday noises. This is a great tool if you need to control your dog at a distance or if you need to get your dog’s attention in a noisy situation. 

Choosing to use a dog whistle

  • Pick a whistle- Any type of whistle will work but it’s best to use a dog training whistle for a specific frequency. Dog training whistles come in a range of frequencies, so decide on a frequency and stick to it. This means it’s a good investment and you have one for your dog. 
    • If you don’t know the frequency of your whistle it’s not the end of the world. Just trained dogs sit when the dog owner tells them to sit, so the dog will respond to any whistle. In a group situation or a park with multiple dog trainers all using the whistle at the same time, your dog will identify your unique whistle and respond to it.
    • It’s not necessary to use a silent whistle, it’s better to use a whistle in the audible spectrum humans can hear. This will help you know you’ve used the correct strength of blow to reach the dog and that the signal was clear and not open to misconception. 
  • Purchase a whistle- Commercial dog training whistles can be purchased online/ from our website. It’s better if you keep the whistle in spare, so if you lose the whistle you have a new one to train your dog. 

Training with a good whistle

  • Decide on your whistle signal- You blow the whistle in unique ways to signal what you want the dog to do. For example- in the signal of sit or stop you can give a single long blast on the whistle. A dog whistle is best to recall or give them instructions.
  •  Practice blowing the whistle-  To blow the whistle use your tongue to break up the sound. As you’re blowing, cover up the hole in the whistle briefly with your tongue. 
  • Transfer commands from your voice to the whistle- One option is to start with a dog that already knows the sit or stop command and responds well to it. First, blow the whistle and tell them to sit. When the dog sits, reward it with a treat or praise. 
    • As the dog learns the whistle command, leave a longer gap between the whistle and the spoken command. In the end, you can stop using the verbal command altogether.
    • You can transfer from a spoken to a whistle command for recall in the same way as to sit. 
  • Begin training an untrained dog with a whistle- If your dog isn’t great at commands to start with, you have to use the whistle. You can hold a treat in your hand and give them instructions as they will follow the instructions. As soon as its bottom hits the ground, give your whistle command and reward the dog for sitting. Repeat this in multiple training sessions and the dog starts reacting to the whistle and sitting without being tempted by a treat. 

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