Chris Wilson, co-founder of Grinding Gear Games, announced the next major expansion pack of Path of Exile in the live broadcast. Called the 3.15 update, this is a huge new content drop with the theme “a group of Kalguurans who have set out to investigate the fate of their POE Currency and restore their special destroyed artifacts left behind”. Besides the new characters to know and the things to do, it will also add a new challenge alliance to make the game more difficult as a whole, and change the metadata of the game by adding gems- “many, many new gems”.

As fans of action RPG games are well-known, gems are essentially things that give POE character’s active skills and then allow players to further enhance these skills. There are already hundreds of gems in the game, but GGG is adding more new gems through new expansions. Wilson said that in the Path Of Exile expansion pack, they made some gems around the theme of a new build or enhanced build to deal with new skills, but this method may not affect all characters. So they add a lot of new gems and each new gem can be used by different professions. The inspiration for planning new gems is the list of 19 Ascendancy professions.

The idea of ​​the new expansion pack is that no matter what construction the player plays, every player can use new gems to enhance their character’s strength and game style. If you need better equipment and weapons, you can also POE Currency Buy to get it. Of course, there are more than so many new gems added, and there are many new ones that need to be revealed. Interested players can pay more attention to the official website and related forums.

Path Of Exile 3.15 will be launched on the PC and Mac on July 23. According to the new content revealed by GGG, many players can’t wait to see the unfamiliar faces of the 3.15 expansion, and even some players are ready for POE Currency for the next league. Hurry up and seize the opportunity to act.