GGG held a new live broadcast before, the focus of which is Path of Exile 2. The live broadcast started with the new Path of Exile 2 trailer and expanded game section, and then proceeded to the POE Currency. The studio then conducted a Q&A with a well-known Path of Exile anchor. In a previous Q&A with the news media, Wilson said that Path of Exile 2 is still under development, and the studio is working hard to produce a beautiful and complete sequel to avoid re-optimization because of problems later.

The trailer shows several locations-the second major location in Path of Exile 2 after Ogham Island and also shows several different areas of the Vastiri Desert area. The studio also showed the greater focus of Path of Exile 2-as well as the game’s improved animations, character models and animations will be more exquisite, giving players a better visual experience.

But the focus of the presentation is on Path of Exile 2’s two new weapon types: spears and crossbows, both of which have specific skills. For example, the spear displayed in the showcase provides the player with the whirlwind skill, which can summon a storm near the player. The crossbow is also unique and can be replaced with different elements or armor-piercing bolts according to the combat requirements. Players can also buy POE Currency to get better equipped weapons.

The exciting thing is that Path of Exile 2 will not replace the original campaign. Both the original campaign and the sequel campaign will be saved in the same game client. Players can continue to POE Currency Buy their old characters and accounts, including POE Currency purchased before. One thing to say here, Wilson and the team did not provide a release window for Path of Exile 2, so Path Of Exile 2 may have to wait until a certain period in 2022. Players can look forward to it together.