Western Aion Classic surprised everyone. Some players were amazed by the queues, while others were impressed by the insolence of the developers/publishers. They were not ready for the influx of players, but they did a good job on the subscription, battle pass, and Pay-2-Win elements.

Aion Classic servers have limits for 6 and 9 thousand players - this is the maximum number. Tens of thousands of players began to rush to the servers. Therefore, there were queues of 5, 15 and 30 thousand players. However, these were not all the players' disappointments.

After several hours, it became clear that NCSoft from Aion Classic made one large-scale machine for pumping money out of players. And it's not even about the monthly subscription. The Battle Pass and paid items are the most problematic. In the first case, you can immediately open all existing awards for a certain fee, and in the second, you can become a huckster. That is, convert items into in-game currency.

Going into details, the best items can be purchased for $ 300 if desired. And for $ 5 to buy Aion Classic items that can then be sold for millions of coins. Similar problems arose in the South Korean version of the game, but there, apparently, the developers have moderated their appetites.

As a result, the game chat was destroyed by the gold sellers on the first day, the economy was beating in its dying convulsions, and in the meantime, the players suffered from queues and a sick desire to cook on them.

Several Ways To Get Aion Classic Kinah In Aion