through eBay you'll find in-game vendors Nook Miles Ticket offering to sell you uncommon enjoyments like each kind of Star Wand or Animal Crossing: New Horizons Golden Tools. The chime selling market is likewise very serious. 

While it is preposterous to expect to sell the things straightforwardly through eBay, shippers ordinarily offer to either convey their products to your island or welcome you to their island to get your request. There would be no in-game response in the event that they attempted to trick you out of your cash. You could generally leave them a terrible eBay survey and attempt to get their dealer account endorsed, however. 

The issue is that this is every one of the Buy Nook Miles Ticket a major infringement of the primary segment of the Nintendo Switch End User License Agreement: "The Software is authorized, not sold, to you exclusively for your own, noncommercial use on the Console. You may not distribute, duplicate, change, figure out, rent, lease, decompile, dismantle, disperse, offer available to be purchased, or make subsidiary works of any segment of the Software".