Treat acne with the best treatment provided by the skin doctor in Delhi, Dr. Rajat Kandhari. Dr. Rajat provides treatment for all types of acne- blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, nodules, papules, etc. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that is caused when acne-causing bacteria infect the skin pores or when dead skin cells and excess sebum clog up the skin pores. The skin specialist, Dr. Rajat Kandhari at Veya Aesthetics, suggests specialized treatments, particularly based on the type of skin and acne, to provide one with clear acne-free skin. Treatment like face washes and creams are suggested for mild acne, and for severe acne, oral medication, lasers, chemical peels are provided along with lifestyle modifications. To get the best treatment for acne and other skin problems, schedule a consultation with Dr. Rajat Kandhari and get the best acne treatment in Delhi.