Whenever you book a flight ticket on Air India, you receive a confirmation via email. You can find that email at the email address that you use while making a reservation. In that email, you can find the E-Ticket number or Booking Reference that will help you to manage your bookings anytime.

If you wonder what an E-Ticket is on Air India, it is an electronic version of your flight ticket that you receive online. The airline keeps it in the electronic record in the reservation system by which airline personnel gets all details. Here are the given possible ways in which you can find the Air India E-ticket number.

Besides, if you wonder about the benefits of an E-ticket over a paper ticket, you can find it out in the next segment. So, go through it.

What Are the Advantages of an E-Ticket?

  • The most important benefit of having an E-ticket is when you lost a ticket or it is stolen, you can use the Air India E-ticket to proceed with the traveling.
  • You can go to the Manage My Booking section from where you can take a print of the itinerary receipt. It helps you when you lost your flight tickets.
  • While the paper ticket is a valuable document, the itinerary receipt is not that valuable. If you have a paper ticket, it can be theft or loss but the itinerary receipt is not. And also, that is not the case when you miss your flight ticket at home.

Apart from this, if you need to know more about your Air India E-ticket, you can with a live person at the Air India customer service phone number. The support team is accessible around the clock and provides you complete and reliable support. So, dial the number now and get all details.