2019 was a terrible year for Path of Exile. Grinding Gear Games announced the mobile version of Path of Exile2 and Path of Exile in December, and it turns out that before any of these details, players are already excited about online action role-playing games.

Buy POE Currency trading volume growth on its Western server is one of the largest growth in its five-year history. Chris Wilson, general manager of Grinding Gear Games, shared detailed information and introduced the Delirium extension in the 3.10 update on March 13th. From a numerical point of view, the surge in growth from 2018 to 2019 is roughly the same as Grinding Gear saw from 2016 to 2017, but because the player base was small, the growth percentage was greater.

And this does not include the growth of mainland China and Taiwan, because Grinding Gear Games need to be licensed to partners in the region to disclose these numbers. The studio had done when no longer report a specific number of players, but the players choose to track the number of hours or concurrent players, just like it noted Betrayal had nearly 200,000 concurrent players. Path of Exile launched the PC version in 2013, then expanded steadily and platform. It landed Xbox One in 2017, 2019, landing PlayStation 4. And landed in China in 2017. The game will be taken to a PC to enjoy free games and action role-playing games in key areas.

Path of Exile continues to release several expansions and technical updates every year, and the main profitability of the new cosmetic Grinding Gear is through the sale of cosmetics, as well as more server options, character slots, and other things that do not affect the moment-instant games. Many updates address player requirements. For example, for Delirium, Grinding Gear is improving skills and wands. But this also comes from years of experience in learning how to update free online action role-playing games. Path of Exile is one of the first games.

I think developers are doing the right thing and publishing content that people like. To ensure that Path of Exile’s new updated content is appropriate, the developer has also considered the price of the game currency for a long time. If you are stuck in the choice, you can choose a safe and fast trading platform to buy POE Currency.