A preschool is simply the foundation to the start of an elementary school. It is where the toddler grows into a child who can perceive a lot based on his experiences during preschooling. When it is time for elementary school, the child is expected to respond to all sorts of interactions initiated by the teacher. This is the core goal of any preschool, to make children understand the importance of feedback and interaction in general.

Thus, it works as a foundational year for all future years of education. For instance, preschool programs are managed by trained teachers who are aware of how to nurture students’ self-regulation skills, work on their creativity and curiosity all the while bolstering an environment of playful learning. Here are the best preschools in and around Kuala Lumpur.


Here is one preschool in Malaysia that stands out simply because of the fact that it is not just a preschool but rather a fully-fledged high school as well. GIIS or Global Indian International School has campuses across 7 different countries in the UAE, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, India, and Malaysia. One major aspect because of which GIIS becomes an extremely sought-after school is that it works on the basis of 5 Pillars of learning as per their curriculum of Global Montessori Plus. Based on the following 5 pillars, GIIS takes away the prize - 'Excelerate' Programme, Multi-faceted learning, iPlay Programme, iCare Programme, and Future Ready Programme. It is located in the heart of KL and offers education all the way till Grade 12 or IGCSE 10 & 11.

Polka Dot Bear Baby & Child Care Centre

Being a professional childcare provider, Polka Dot Bear aims to link parental partnership with effective child development from infancy to the end of the preschool year. They do this by keeping the parents up to date with their activities in order to achieve a wholesome learning experience. Their attention stretches beyond education in order to encompass the overall health and wellbeing of every child while pushing towards a harmonious community through the teaching of moral values and molding sound character development. It is located both in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur.

Beaconhouse Malaysia

One of the largest school systems of its kind and operating schools across 8 countries for over 43 years, Beaconhouse Malaysia currently operates and owns 12 different campuses within the Klang Valley, 8 of which are specialized Pre-schools, 2 Private Primary and Secondary Schools that offer the National Curriculum and 2 International Schools with the Cambridge IGCSE Programmes. They are also known for their unique ‘Play to Learn & Learn to Play’ concept using which Beaconhouse helps children to turn into well-rounded individuals by allowing them to find joy and adventure in the entire process of learning.

Babies and Casa Montessori International Preschool

Here is a preschool that thrives on developing values that set in stone, the success of a child from the inside out. What makes this preschool stand out among the rest is that it not only focuses on academic and mental development but also on the importance of creativity, humility, deep and loving attachments, inter-dependence, self, and environmental awareness.

JoyKids International Preschool

Intelligently integrating Montessori and thematic curricula, JoyKids aims to reach the highest potential of students by promoting the holistic growth of the child within a safe and nurturing environment. They are very passionate about their students and about building a strong foundation for their future success. They believe in respecting every child’s individuality and truly believe in their potential to become efficient, highly responsible, and confident individuals. This one is located in Selangor. 

Here was a shortlist of 5 schools to choose from. Once you get a detailed idea of these schools, you will surely be able to make a better decision when it comes to a school admission in Malaysia.