Magnesium Chloride Manufacturers in India So coconut water can and helps hydration, however a games drink accomplishes more that simply hydrate the body. During exercise our bodies lose electrolytes as sweat, specific sodium chloride, yet in addition potassium, and different minerals. The deficiency of these electrolytes upsets athletic execution, and can cause cramp in more limit situation. While it contains up to 15 time more potassium than normal games drinks, it ordinarily contains only a small portion of the sodium found in standard games beverages, and sodium is lost a lot higher rate during concentrated exercise than potassium.Furthermore, when practicing for longer periods, 40 minutes or more, the body needs to recharge its energy stores. In light of this games drinks will in general contain moderately undeniable levels starch to help refuel the body. There have been various articles and specialists express that coconut juice (water) isn't appropriate in such manner, because of low degrees of starch, however closer assessment shows that 250ml of Gatorade (a famous games drink) contains a little more than 50 Kcal of sugar. Strangely 250ml of Nuts coconut water likewise contains approximately 50 Kcal of starch. Different brands may contrast somewhat, yet this unmistakably shows that it contains near degrees of renewing sugars.