Devotees of Minecraft before Microsoft's securing of Mojang in 2014 might be acquainted with stresses over the fate of Minecraft at that point. As indicated by a new meeting with the Head of Minecraft, Helen Chiang, a few designers had those worries also. 

Chiang as of late went on the record with to examine the obtaining, expressing that there were a few worries about the non mainstream soul of Mojang being lost. To keep this soul unblemished, Microsoft and Mojang moved toward Minecraft as though they were stewards of a tremendous world with a wide assortment of players on different stages. 

At the point when Microsoft procured the engineer for $2.5 billion, numerous colleagues attempted to make Minecraft contemplated whether Microsoft would "ruin" Minecraft. Since Minecraft keeps on prospering today through updates, and it remains vigorously saw on stages like Twitch and YouTube, these concerns may have been untimely. 

A piece of the consolidation considered Minecraft to keep delivering on different stages past the most recent Xbox, and this wide accessibility permitted the title to hold a portion of its soul. Past being ported to different stages, Chiang says Microsoft helped Mojang upgrade Minecraft with a "Superior Together" mantra that has been advantageous for the local area. 

Microsoft and Mojang cooperated to execute a codebase that guaranteed new updates could be conveyed to the whole Minecraft people group simultaneously, paying little heed to which stage they're playing on. Minecraft was one of the early independent games to empower crossplay between the entirety of the stages to guarantee the local area could associate and play. 

Through Microsoft and Mojang's devotion to keeping the independent soul of Minecraft alive, Better Together became a motto, however a guarantee to the local area of fans from around the world. In 2017, Minecraft saw a gigantic update that incorporated the Marketplace, which is the place where players could purchase and play local area made substance. Its assortment of substance keeps on being developed today by accomplices from around the world.


Thinking about a few aficionados of Minecraft, ahead of Microsoft's procurement of Mojang, had worries about what might occur with the non mainstream title a short time later, it bodes well that designers behind the title had comparative concerns. Since Minecraft has been developed definitely since 2014 and has gotten spin-off titles, it appears to be the consolidation was commonly gainful for both Microsoft and Mojang.