Did you know that sea salt is not only ideal for cooking? It also has incredible benefits for hair and skin. Mix sea salt with shampoo to remove dandruff and increase hair growth. Read on to see the step by step.

What is sea salt?

Sea salt is what remains after the water in the ocean or saltwater lakes evaporates. Depending on the water source, this leaves behind certain trace elements and materials (such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium), which then add flavor and color. It is for this reason that no two pieces of sea salt are the same - they all come in a variety of different levels of thickness.

Properties of sea salt

Sea salt has specific components, and each one provides a beneficial quality. These include:

  1. Calcium - calms skin cells, strengthens cells and cleanses pores.
  2. Magnesium - increases cellular metabolism.
  3. Bromide - heals and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Sodium Chloride - hydrates skin cells, eliminates toxic residues.
  5. Zinc - improves the growth and regeneration of cells, a natural blocker of UV rays.
  6. Sulfur - relieves the symptoms of skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema.

Sea salt to remove dandruff and increase hair growth

Half the population suffers from dandruff. If you are one of the unlucky ones, use sea salt to get rid of dead skin cells. After all, it is quite embarrassing to have white flakes all over your shoulders.

Many "experts" will tell you to buy anti-dandruff shampoo, but there is a more natural and cheaper way to solve the problem. Also, many shampoos contain harmful chemicals that you will by no means want near your hair.

Simply divide the hair into sections and sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of (fine) sea salt on the scalp. Massage with wet fingers for about 10 minutes, then wash hair as you normally would.

Sea salt not only works to eliminate dandruff, but it also absorbs excess oil in the hair, which will prevent it from becoming greasy. Because all the moisture is sucked in, the sea salt will also stop the growth of fungi.

Have you noticed that your hair is thinner lately? You can also use sea salt for hair growth! Sea salt revitalizes follicles and increases blood circulation to the scalp, stimulat

Just wash your hair as usual, then massage your scalp with sea salt for 10-15 minutes before washing your hair again. Do this twice a week for two months, and you will see the return of beautiful thick hair.

How Sea Salt Helps Your Skin

Sea salt makes a great scrub. Experts say that you should exfoliate your skin once to twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and keep it healthy. In fact, many famous beauty salons use sea salts in their exfoliating treatments; however, be sure to pay attention to the degree of sea salt you use to do this.

It should not have rough or sharp edges, as this could cause damage and redness of the skin. Make sure to gently rub in circular motions.

You can also use sea salt as a natural detoxifier, as it absorbs toxins from the skin. Make a paste of sea salt and water, apply it to your skin for a minute, then massage it gently in the shower. Other skin benefits of sea salt include increased circulation, antiseptic effects, smoother skin, and fluid retention.

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