The road to riches is paved with hard work and perseverance, but if you're looking for an easier way out I have a few pointers on how to make money online in India for students.

  1. Get a part-time job

Getting a part-time job is a simplest and safest way to get started. It's also good for your resume to have some work experience before you go seeking jobs that require full-time commitments. Some companies may want people who are currently studying, so it's worth asking them as well.

  1. Sign up as a blogger

There are many sites online where bloggers can post their views about anything they want. Some of them might be willing to pay the writer at least $50 per month - or even more! All that's needed is some creativity and time commitment because it won't happen overnight.

  1. Freelance

Sign up for an online freelance site like Upwork, Envato, or Fiverr, and start bidding on jobs. Perform the job when it is accepted by the client (make sure you check their profile to ensure that they are trustworthy).

Though we shared only three here, there are many more tips on how to make money online in India for students. It may seem intimidating but exploring these options will give your student life some amazing experiences and earnings! Try them to see for yourself!