Top 7 Reasons Why You Need to Learn Python as a Data Scientist

Automation As a Data Scientist, you realize that your way starts with programming languages you need to learn. Among all languages that you can choose from Python is the most mainstream language for all Data Scientists. In this article, I will cover 7 purposes for Python’s prevalence that will assist you with understanding why programmers love it. 

1. Simplicity

Python is a programming language that scales exceptionally quickly. Among every accessible language, Python is a pioneer in scaling. That implies that Python has an ever-increasing number of conceivable outcomes.

2. Libraries and Frameworks

Because of its prevalence, Python has many various libraries and frameworks which is an incredible expansion to your development process. They save a ton of manual time and can without much of a stretch supplant the entire arrangement.

As a Data Scientist, you will track down that a significant number of these libraries will be centered around Data Analytics and Machine Learning. Likewise, there is an immense help for Big Data. I assume there ought to be a solid expert on why you need to learn Python as your first language.

3. Web Development

To make your development cycle however simple as it very well might be conceivable just, learn Python. There is a great deal of Django and Flask libraries and frameworks that make your coding profitable and accelerate your work.

On the off chance that you think about PHP and Python, you can track down that a similar errand can be made inside a couple of long stretches of code by means of PHP. Yet, with Python, it will require a couple of moments. Simply investigate the Reddit website — it was made with Python.

Here are Pythons Full Stack frameworks for web development:

  1. Django
  2. Pyramid
  3. Web2py
  4. TurboGears

And here are Pythons micro-frameworks for web development:

  1. Flask
  2. Jug
  3. CherryPy
  4. Embrace

Likewise, there is an elective system you should consider:

  1. Twister

4. Huge Community

As I have referenced previously, Python has an amazing local area. You may believe that it shouldn’t be one of the primary reasons why you need to choose Python. In any case, truly the other way around.

In the event that you don’t get support from different subject matter experts, your learning way can be troublesome. That is the reason you should realize that this will not occur with your Python learning venture.

5. Automation

Utilizing Python robotization frameworks like PYunit gives you a lot of benefits:

  1. No extra modules are needed to introduce. They accompany the case
  2. Regardless of whether you don’t have a Python foundation, you will look for some kind of employment with Unittest truly agreeable. It is a subsidiary and its functioning standard is like other xUnit frameworks.
  3. You can run solitary tests in a more direct manner. You ought to just show the names on the terminal. The yield is minimal as well, making the construction versatile concerning executing experiments.
  4. The test reports are created inside milliseconds.

    Five Python Frameworks For Test Automation:

  1. Robot Framework
  2. UnitTest
  3. Pytest
  4. Behave
  5. Lettuce

6. Jobs and Growth

Python is a special language that has incredible development and opens different vocation openings for Data Scientists. On the off chance that you learn Python you can consider different extra positions you should do the change to later on:

  • Python Developer
  • Product Manager
  • Educator
  • Financial Advisors
  • Data Journalist

7. Salary

On the off chance that you are searching for high-paying opportunities, Python has gigantic alternatives for you.


Python is a base for any Data Scientist. There are numerous motivations to choose this amazing programming language, so it’s dependent upon you which reason will be fundamental. You should consider Python because of its prospects and progressing improvement, which will assist you with building stunning items and help organizations. 

Why to Choose Aimore Technologies for Python Course:

Aimore Technologies is the best python training institute in Chennai with 6+ years of experience. We are offering online and classroom training. 

