The Happy Wheels video game app hit the ground bleeding in 2010 and has been played more than a billion — with a “B” — times since. Now it’s making the natural progression to animated series, which will go live November 15 on go90, Verizon’s mobile streaming app. And here’s the first trailer for the cartoon-gory nine-episode series from Machinima and Bunim/Murray Productions.
Welcome to Happy Wheels, the most dangerous community in the world. Early on, all seems tranquil and on the up-and-up: a dad teaching his boy to ride a bike, picnickers enjoying an adult beverage, a man enjoying a snack on a park bench. But things are about to get ugly — fast. That kid on the bicycle? Spike fodder. Other folks? Turned to red goo by falling speakers, helpful cops, exploding bounce houses, even the town’s welcome sign. Sense a pattern here?